What You Need To Know For Video Content
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Tuesday, July 11, 2023
By Taylor Boone
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What You  Need To Know For Video Content


This is more for our wellness industry, but we feel the value here might help your business.

Educational and Informative: Wellness businesses often aim to provide valuable information and educate their audience. They look for video content that offers practical tips, advice, or insights related to health, fitness, nutrition, mindfulness, or other relevant topics.

Engaging and Entertaining: Videos that are engaging and entertaining tend to capture viewers' attention and increase their likelihood of sharing the content. Wellness businesses may look for videos incorporating storytelling, humor, inspiring narratives, or visually appealing elements to keep viewers interested and entertained.

Authenticity and Relatability: Authenticity is highly valued in wellness content. Businesses often seek videos that feel genuine and relatable and foster a sense of trust with the audience. Content that features real people, personal stories, or testimonials can resonate well with viewers.

Visual Appeal: Wellness businesses typically appreciate visually appealing videos that are well-produced, have high-quality visuals, and use appropriate aesthetics. This can include attention to lighting, composition, colors, and overall visual coherence.

Concise and Clear Messaging: With the average attention span of online viewers being relatively short, wellness businesses often prefer videos that deliver their message concisely and clearly. Keeping the content focused and avoiding unnecessary tangents can be important.

Call-to-Action: Wellness businesses may look for videos that include a clear call-to-action (CTA) at the end, encouraging viewers to take a specific action, such as subscribing to a newsletter, visiting a website, signing up for a class, or purchasing.

Inclusivity and Diversity: Given the diverse nature of wellness audiences, businesses often value video content that reflects inclusivity and diversity. They may appreciate videos that feature individuals from different backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, body types, and abilities.

Mobile-Friendly and Social Media Optimization: As video consumption increasingly occurs on mobile devices and social media platforms, wellness businesses may prioritize optimized content for mobile viewing and easy sharing across various social media channels.

Brand Alignment: Wellness businesses typically seek video content that aligns with their brand identity, values, and overall marketing strategy. They may seek content reinforcing their unique selling propositions and creating a consistent brand experience.

Measurable Results: Wellness businesses may value video content that can deliver quantifiable results. This can include metrics such as views, engagement, click-through rates, conversions, or other key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to their marketing goals.

Remember, these are general considerations, and the specific priorities of a wellness business may vary based on your niche, target audience, and marketing objectives. It's always a good idea to research the particular preferences of the companies you target or consult industry professionals for more tailored advice. Would you like to connect and learn what can help your busness? Use the link below to set up your free call today.

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