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Tuesday, November 03, 2020
By Taylor Boone
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How important is VIDEO for your business?


In 2020 we have seen an increase in video on social media. Do you know why? 

We have all had to PIVOT with 2020 headlines and as a business owner, we have to show our customers, clients, and the ideal audience what we are doing NOW more than ever. Go quiet and they will forget!

Grab the attention of your customer and post videos often! 

Think about your smartphone. Steve Jobs wanted you to have a full production team in your pocket. We can create videos, photos, add music, edit all from our phones. As a business owner, this is key. Listen, I have been a professional photographer for over 25 years and have worked with some big business and I have also worked with thousands of starts up, small business, and I learned from the big-budget companies that fork out millions for photo and video content and taken that information to the smaller business. YOU can do it right now with YOUR phone!

Full transparency here...  I tell my clients all the time to make videos grow your marketing dollars so you can higher my team for the bigger pieces. Your business needs both homegrown and professional content. We typically work with a couple of dozen businesses a year and monthly we create videos and photos for marketing material and that alone won't fill up how many times they need to post so they rely on their customers supplying images and videos as well as their own content.

Even today if you don't have money to higher a photographer or have a video produced I want you to use your phone and start there! Grow your business and when you have the budget higher a team that can deliver your message in a professional format... but remember you will need both!

Curious about how you can use your phone and create a powerful video? Write a comment and leave us your email and we will send you a free PDF we give our clients that the big boutique ad agencies use. Go ahead and leave your comment and email now for your free PDF!

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