To be bodacious enough
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Tuesday, July 25, 2017
By Taylor Boone Photography
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Be unseen and unheard... we often feel absolutely forgettable. I have to say many times in my past, I have felt this senseless act of self-worth. In fact, I have had several bouts of this during my career. It seems at times when I get closer to tackling my purpose that senseless wave of doubt and self-worth gain a slight lead on me. I am quickly reminded we are not alone and when we lean into our creator and trust (a hard word at times) we are taken exactly where we are to be.


So with all that said this leads me to trust what I keep hearing. The last 11 months I keep hearing "write". This personal journey I am about to take you on is extremely personal and scares the PANTS off me!


We are quick to judge the heaviness in life and quick to say why me? I lost my father just a few months after he retired. He had a dream of being an entrepreneur and never made it happen. His entire life he worked hard for someone else. Collected a paycheck every two weeks, had benefits. But he had a spark in his eye that never got past that. When I think of all the struggles I face in owning my business I hold close to my heart that thought... I am doing and will do what he never had the chance to do. I rise each day for him!


Now, don't get me wrong, I have failed and gave up more times than I care to count. Every time it got hard I pack up and roll back to the corporate world. After a few years unhappy and left spiritual bankrupt I would return back to my dream. Well, about 7 years ago I said no more! No more going back to that corporate world. I know my purpose!!!


The same kind of love I received as a child from my mother and father. I had to learn at an early age to get up and give myself that passage of love. In the eyes of God, I was never unseen or unheard. I know in my heart we all matter in this big universe. Each action leads to a reaction of some sort. As I write about rising up and riding out on this new adventure of writing, I hope you see you're not alone. We are more connected now than ever.


I have the deepest desire to help others see the beauty and wisdom, grace and purpose they have. In many sessions over the last 5 years, I have seen mountains move within a woman when she brings to surface what is already there. When her self-worth becomes her worth. 


I had a client last year at the end of her session tell me that she had lost two homes to fires. She lost every photo she had ever had. She shared with me the importance those photos were and are to her and now she only has the memories of them to hold on to. My client proceeded to tell me she hired me for several reasons. That I make sure my clients go home with artwork and not just digital files. She could also see the hearts of my clients on the website. These two observations of hers stuck with me. She then said to me and this I will forever hold deep in my heart. I see the value in me! I am worth celebrating all that I am and I want to document my life and all that I have accomplished. I cherish my time with her and the beautiful portraits. She gave me so much love and light with her words.  


My next blog my goal is to go even deeper into riding out of this broken heart and into the life of love and faith.

As we part I want to leave you with this challenge... to go out and be BODACIOUS enough!

Love and light,


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