Riding Out Of A Broken Heart
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Tuesday, August 08, 2017
By Taylor Boone
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Riding Out Of A Broken Heart


The road of trials and to find yourself and in being transparent as you transcend. To live the divine life within you.The time has come to live with freedom and to no longer harbor those ill and heavy feelings. Time to have the home you have always wanted for your heart. For that home is your heart. Riding on this pathway as I search for my bliss. This ride I find myself letting go. Honoring those from my past and letting go. For this ride is really about forgiveness for myself, family, friends and my loss of my mother.


I have fallen off the bike too many times. Each time I get back on and start peddling. As I push forward with each stroke of the wheel I can see the landscape around me changing. It's becoming what I have always wanted and more. When your heart has been broken and in my case, it felt shattered. I thought it could never beat again for love, but I was wrong. I found love for myself and those around me. I found a deeper love for my work and what a significant roll these portraits play in the lives of those around me. I found my voice to speak and share what life looks like being a bliss chaser. Not to brag but in hopes that it will inspire others to do the same. To seek their purpose and to be significate in what they give the world. To see all the opportunities placed around us.


When we have heaviness in our heart and bitterness we can't see the beauty around. I had to get on my bike and ride until I could see. Once I did with clarity, I could see we all matter. Every single one of us matter. Your dreams are a gift and you should believe in them. Surround yourself with those that believe and when you are faced with naysayers and you will ask yourself what makes you happy. Happy people bring joy to the world. I know my broken heart was seeking some kind of joy... I found it. I also found many beautiful things along the way.


Happy people bring joy to the world. I know my broken heart was seeking some kind of joy... I found it. I also found many beautiful things along the way.


I had to get on my bike and ride until I could see. Once I did with clarity, I could see we all matter. Every single one of us matter. Your dreams are a gift and you should believe in them. Surround yourself with those that believe and when you are faced with nay sayers and you will ask yourself what makes you happy (naysayers I have found are never happy). 


Try these words on in the morning  Hello World... Get ready... You Are About To See Something You've Never Seen!


When you close your eyes at night what's important? Did you take a risk? Did you make someone happy? Did you smile? Did you receive a smile back?


Each day that is my challenge. Through calm, intense, focused gestures (I am a bit excessive and it's a part of my charisma). I seek with a heart wide open and what I seek is seeking me! My wish for you is to attract all the good and beauty you hold. May all the kindness in the world see you. For others to see the elegance of your grace. May you stroll along in the light and beauty. Ride out of that broken heart and see how beautiful life is!


Love and light


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