From Monochrome to Technicolor
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Friday, October 13, 2023
By Taylor Boone
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From Monochrome to Technicolor

If you've known, seen, or passed me on the street, you might have noticed something peculiar: the ever-present shade of black in my wardrobe. It wasn't a fashion statement or an ode to any goth aesthetic; it was simply... me. My initiation into this monochromatic world began with a U2 Joshua Tree t-shirt, and somehow, black just became my shade, my signature, my comfort zone.

Over the years, black became more than just a color of choice for me—it represented familiarity, safety, and an echo of my identity. But isn't life too short to be bound by one hue? Here we are, in 2023, and I've decided to paint my canvas with a myriad of colors, each representing a new chapter, a new experience, and a fresh perspective. I'm venturing out from the safety of my monochrome cocoon and embracing colors in my own quirky, off-beaten way. And what a ride it's shaping up to be!

But this transformation is more than just sartorial. It mirrors my more extensive journey, one of personal and professional growth and understanding. One thing that's always fascinated me is the raw, unfiltered insight into the lives of others—particularly those who helm businesses. There’s a magnetic pull towards people who candidly share their process, their highs and lows, and the nuanced intricacies of their ventures. I've been deeply influenced by those few brave souls who bare the gritty truths of running a business. It's not just about success stories but the trials, tribulations, and every stumble in between. There's courage in vulnerability, and there's wisdom in shared experiences.

This is why I'm here, documenting my journey. Not just to keep a record but to pull back the curtains and show the raw, unedited growth process. I want this to be a platform where you can learn from my lessons, feel inspired to face your challenges head-on and rise valiantly under pressure.

Change is daunting, be it swapping a color palette or evolving in one's professional journey. But here's the thing about growth—it’s uncomfortable, unpredictable, and sometimes downright messy. And yet, it's beautiful in its chaos, illuminating in its lessons. I am excited about exploring this new phase, discovering hues beyond black, and sharing this metamorphosis with all of you.

So, come along. Let's navigate this vibrant path together and celebrate every shade along the way. 🌈


Love and light,


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